Constant GSM-R air interface monitoring, no more long days on measurement trains
Reduce OPEX cost while increasing frequency and accuracy
The probes of CCC Suite can be mounted directly in commercial rolling stock, which allows you to watch live GSM-R network performance from the comfort of your office. No longer do you have to find that scarce slot on the railway network to set up a cumbersome measurement run with an expensive, specifically equipped train. Instead, you can monitor the air interface performance on the complete railway network throughout the year and have live or aggregated data available whenever you need it.
Prevention is the best remedy
Detect network anomalies before they cause issues, using CCC Suite Data Probe’s configurable alarms. Make long-term analyses to detect network equipment degradation and identify new obstacles, like as changes in the surrounding infrastructure, even before real world problems are reported.
Collect ever more data and have the numbers crunched for you
Why only collect data on hotspots like train stations and intersections, when you can collect Quality of Service data on entire tracks and railway networks? Perform blazing fast trend analyses and issue interactive cloud-based reports for improved communication and cooperation between different teams and suppliers. Cloud technology has made data storage and automated reporting inexpensive and fast, which brings great new opportunities for the telecom consulting industry that you can’t afford to miss out on.
Flexible and customizable
Configure your probes remotely through our cloud-based GUI. Customize reports for both live data and long-term analysis. Our web interface allows for completely bespoke customizations, so you will not be boxed in by a template-based reporting system that all too often just doesn’t quite meet your needs. Communication is key for any consultancy and CCC Suite allows you to step up your game in a significant way.